New Goals


Its been a week since I ran last, so this morning I ran one of the easier interval sets. Then I wasn’t paying attention and erased all my data from the run, so I dont know my stats. I felt good.

I have been chugging along at this running thing and feel great about it, but recently (no secret to the people around me) I hit an emotional spike that interrupted my mojo. Lots of emotions and issues surfacing these days. And my reaction has been to acknowledge the irrational emotions – but not really look at them. My first question is always “WHY are they surfacing? WHAT made them surface?” I guess right now I just dont care. I just need to deal with them. Not suppress them, as is my instinct. So I have been doing that a little at a time. Its been awful. But I will journal that another day.

So, Friday I connected with a friend that I haven’t spent any time with in – gosh – a year? She is s church mate, and I see her now and again, but haven’t connected with her in a while. God bless her, she is one of I think 4 people who actually read this. Her name is Amy, by the way. She is awesome. One of those types that ask you “How are you?” and they really mean it, they really want to know. So rare and so precious.

Well, she was lit with excitement about a half marathon coming up in March. Her and Kristin V are running it, and I should run it too.


Oh, sweet Amy, no. I cant do that. But, Ginger, its so fun, lots of women and moms just like you, its a relaxed run, you should do it.

Well…?…. I don’t know….

And she just kept on about how fun it is, and there arent those crazy pace runners that will run you over. She was positively beaming, and genuinely wanted me to participate with them.

So, fast forward… Yes, I cant believe I am saying it. A half marathon on March 31 is my new goal.

I had a chance to also connect with Shelley at the Cowan Carnival on Saturday. I have been dying to spend time with her. She is my age, my body type, and she is running marathons. She is my inspiration, truly. She was just as encouraging as Amy, and she patiently answered all of my questions, and was so affirming.

I have my training schedule all in place. And I am pumped. I will rant more about that later.

On another note – I really need to acknowledge that I am a wreck right now, but there are still people in my life that have kept me going, kept me lifted up, and I am so thankful for you. Jodie, for loving me consistently. Michael, for pouring into me and believing in me. Shelley, for cheering me on. Amy, for newly inspiring me. Alex & Cadey, for providing resources above and beyond what I deserve, and I am so grateful!! And I am even thankful for Robby, who sparks the competitive side of me and makes me want to kick his ass at this fitness thing.

It really feels like this is a season of cleansing for me. My husband was asking why I have been blogging about my emotional stuff since this technically a “training” journal. My answer: well, I need to get all of me fit. Spiritually, emotionally and then physically. Its not about being 114 (my weight when I got pregnant with Ethan). Its not about starving myself, or punishing myself.

Its about whole-health for me now.

Oh, and I won an iPad 2 at the Cowan Carnival on Saturday!!! I am so excited!!! I just had to throw that in.

5 responses »

  1. I think one of the reasons why I kept running longer distances and setting new goals was the mental and emotional healing I was getting during my runs. There was a period of time were I’d cry during every run. Sometimes my tears would be from joy, sorrow, regret, and/or acceptance of what is or what might be one day. When I look back on it, it’s really beautiful. You’re doing a great job, Ginger! I hope you can take the time you’re running and find some peace in your heart and healing for your soul. You deserve it!

  2. No way! Suppress issues! NEVER deal with them….Push them down where they can really fester. Dealing with issues is for sissies. Whats up with the healing from running? My legs always hurt and I just curse and cry for 2 miles (ran 2 miles this morning)…..screw running! Sit on the couch! Now THAT is some emotional healing…..(with a donut!)

    Keep kicking ass G!


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