Tag Archives: cold



To know me is to know HOW MUCH I HATE BEING COLD. Hate. Its painful. I am an Arizona girl. Well, let me retract, because it snows in Northern AZ. I am an AZ desert girl. 80 degrees is my ideal room temp. 70 and its too cold.

I have been having a lot of anxiety about the cold weather coming up and how that will affect my running. (I had to look up affect vs effect on The Oatmeal to know which one to use.) I will not join a gym (too expensive) and I dont have time to do the gym thing. The only thing that works for me is running at home in my neighborhood. At 5am.

..and with winter coming, and with how much I hate the cold… see where I am going? 5 am is THE coldest hour of the entire day. I have been concerned that it would be too big of a mental obstacle for me. I know how silly this sounds, but this could be a deal breaker.

I have been keeping an eye on it and yesterday I checked the weather for this morning. 37 deg. [Insert exaggerated deflated body language here]. Okay Ginger. One of your biggest obstacles right in front of you. What are you made of?

I made a late night trip to Target and obsessed over every workout jacket there. I tried them all on, read the tags… and picked out one that seemed like it would keep the cold out.

I had to really psych myself before going to bed. And when my alarm when off this morning – I got up and got out there. 37 degrees, which is about as cold as it will be at that our most of the time here. And the jacket worked great!!!!! I am so crazy proud and happy that this will NOT be an obstacle for me this winter!!!

5k Training – Day 6


Haven’t posted in a few days. I had a very busy weekend redoing our game room. Its so cute up there now. I love it.

I ran Monday night, which was Day 5. I came home from that run wheezing. I’ve concluded, and Shelley agreed, that it was from the smoke from the fires. I took yesterday off as a precaution, and picked it up again this morning.

This morning was fantastic. It was 59 when I got out there. Perfect, perfect weather for me. I cant imagine it getting any colder though. I can run in heat. I struggle with cold. I hate the cold. Hate. It feels positively painful to my skin. Its definable something I need to mentally prepare for now, or I am going to fail miserably at this running thing . I have to conquer this.

This morning’s run, at this temp, was perfect, though. My pace was super slow. I am not sure why. I felt like I was doing great. But I could tell that I was behind because I was not where I usually where I would be at my intervals. I didn’t even change my route. Weird.

I pushed my pace on the last run and almost died though. I cant wait till my lungs catch up to my energy.