Tag Archives: 1/2 marathon

Health Update


Where have I been?? I have been hanging in there! I have been running sparatically, but I have been running. I have been sticking to this vegan thing – and I feel great! Energetic, my husband says my skin is super clear, I feel myself slimming a little.

The latest news in my life is that I am scheduled for a partial hysterectomy on December 8. I am having some prolapse issues and some bleeding because my uterus lining is thickening. The prolapse issues are my main problem. And most of you wont know what that is.

Well, I have had 4 kids. I give birth fast, in about 2 pushes or less. And they just come shooting out. So, imagine what kind of force that is on my body – my reproductive organs, bladder, and such. And, with every kid – the lining or “seat”, as the doctors call it, weakens and doesnt hold everything up and in the way it used to.

In short, I pee if I sneeze, couch, laugh suddenly, or move my left arm. …and sometimes when I run.

Is it all making sense now? The doctor told me that running and sneezing are the two hardest things on your bladder. Yeah. I know. Thanks.

So on December 8 I am having surgery to have everything put back into place, and (because of the bleeding issues) they are going to give me a partial hysterectomy by removing a part of my uterus but leaving in my ovaries and cervix.

Yes, I am fine. Trust me. I can never get pregnant ever again and I wont ever have another period. I cant tell you how thrilled I am about those to things.

Did you know that getting your tubes ties has a 1 in 400 chance of failure? 400??? That pretty much ensures that I would get pregnant again after getting my tubes tied. So this is a fantastic option for me.

I need to hurry and get this all over with so that my 1/2 marathon training is impacted the least. I have to be all fully recovered by the middle of January to stay on track. Prayers for a crazy good and fast recovery are very appreciated. I have never had surgery before, so I am a bit nervous about that. Anesthesia is a scary thing to me. Does anyone know if John Wages in in network with UHC???

Kidding, John. I threw that in there for fun.