Tag Archives: michael benevides

Fitness Consult and My Hubby


So, remember when I was whining about missing my fitness consult with Michael B? Well, that sweetheart came back into the office to pick up a few people that missed their slots. It was good. He had lots to say about metabolism. Gave me a goal to reach next week – Yikes!

The biggest thing that he challenges us all with is tracking our food. I hate that. I can forensically research anything down to a dust fragment, but tracking my food. Nope. I am sure that it stems back to something about how I don’t like or care about myself, yadayadayada… But I have to if I am going to reach my goals.

Sparkpeople.com is where he suggested (told) that I track my food. I actually already have an account. Kari Spencer uses it (at least she did) so I checked it out. That was 2 or 3 years ago. The only thing I ever did was log on. It was too overwhelming.

But thanks to APPLE I think I can do it. I started taking the iPad to work and tracking it on that. All things are funner when you use an Apple product – amiright???

Its about time I gave a shout out to my hubby too. How many of you know that he rides his bike, and by “his bike” I really mean “Jay Jacobs’ bike”, to work and back every single day? That is 20 miles round trip. Not only that, but he will come home after riding all that way, and lift weights in the garage. He is the most persevering person you could ever know. He has an inner strength that is envious, and a caring, amazing man to boot! He has been amazing since I have started all of this. And I love him for sticking with me.

Couch to 5k – Day 7


Day 7. First, let me say: It was a glorious 58 degrees this morning.

The run was good. I struggled to get out of bed, so when I started my run, I was still in “I’m not awake” mode. Imagine my surprise when I realized I was starting longer intervals of running. And by “surprise” I mean “WTF?!?!”.

But after my original bout of “surprise” I realized how awesome it was that I was running longer. That I COULD run longer. And what a treat it was when I heard the little app voice that said “You are half way done” after only my second run! Perspective, people. It’s all about perspective.

Still haven’t given any thought to how I need to prep for winter. Have I mentioned how much I hate being cold? Nothing reduces me to a fit of tantrums like being cold. Suggestions are appreciated.

We had Michael Benevides in the office yesterday to give individual fitness consults to any employee who wanted it. I have been looking forward to that since I signed up. I am ready for that next step in nutrition and health. And was thrilled to have some input from him in particular.

Guess who missed her slot.

Yep. I was working on a project and forgot. Just plain forgot. So upset. I spent the whole rest of the day whining about it to everyone who walked toward me. And chased the ones down who walked away to whine to them too.

Happy Friday, everyone!